On a sunny afternoon, my constituency assistant Dave Horowitz met up with Taylor Lindsay-Noel, a gymnast and student at Northview Secondary School, who is in rehabilitation at Bloorview, her mother Rowena and Jason Colero, manager of community relations for the Toronto Argonauts on Tuesday, December 2, 2008. It warms the heart to see Taylor working hard with the professional staff at Bloorview to recover from her serious injuries, and the community support given to her thus far.
Jason presented Taylor with a signed football and a book from the Toronto Argonauts. He is standing to the left of Taylor in each of the photos. His generous support is appreciated by all of us. Thank you Jason!
The talented arts students at Northview SS hosted a fundraiser for Taylor called "Arts a la Carte" to a large audience on Thursday, December 4, 2008 in the evening. They performed a selection of traditional and new-age dance routines to the sounds of jazz, R & B, and break-dancing music, while treating us to a display of their visual arts creations. Entertaining and humourous, indeed! A thumbs up to the students who participated.
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